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Sith (シス, Shisu) is a supporting character of the Nanbaka Web Manga series. He is an inmate of building 9.


Sith has short blonde hair, which is usually covered by a nun veil, pale skin and light blue eyes. Sith is described by Uno as having sanpaku eyes.[1]

He typically wears an steel mask: it has a blank expression with closed eyes and no color. He also wears a habit, which is dark gray, white and gold, with his inmate number on a badge on his left chest, and a necklace with a shinigami(?) symbol attached.

After events occuring in the second New Years Tournament Sith is shown with two scars across his face.


Sith is a shinigami cultist, actively seeking out others to believe in the shinigami through recruitment posters, becoming disinterested and annoyed when the other party isn't interested in becoming a believer.

He is also a selfish individual, using others as a way to recruit shinigami believers, which can be seen when he deceives Koisuke Kyuubi into purchasing a shinigami charm that can 'alter' Koisukes marriage prospects.[2]


Sith was originally incarcerated for attempted murder.


Information Here

Part Five[]


  • His hometown is the Vatican city.
  • His favourite foods are grilled chicken (hearts), liver and dry bread.
  • He dislikes onions
  • He was given the nickname "Iron Sinner".
  • The money he earned from penal labor was spent on shinigami merchandise (to help spread the word of shinigami).


  1. Nanbaka Web Manga: Chapter 378
  2. Nanbaka Web Manga: Chapter 363


Main Jyugo  |  Uno  |  Rock  |  Nico  |  Hajime Sugoroku
Inmates Tsukumo  |  Honey  |  Trois  |  Musashi  |  Liang  |  Upa  |  Qi  |  Fuji-san  |  Kusatsu  |  Enki Gokuu  |  Ruka Gojou  |  Hachiman  |  Ikkaku  |  Zakuro  |  Baio  |  Hakushaku  |  Tsumuji  |  Torooru  |  Aki  |  Haru  |  Hina  |  Murakami  |  Yupiter  |  Sith  |  Tora  |  Hachi  |  Mike  |  Nina  |  Mina  |  Shina  |  D  |  Nile  |  Mummy  |  Ishal  |  Rage  |  Shijima  |  Burogu
Guards Seitarou Tanabata  |  Yamato Godai  |  Samon Gokuu  |  Kenshirou Yozakura  |  Kiji Mitsuba  |  Inori Hakkai  |  Damian  |  Mao Nimaijita  |  Nijimasu Nanairo  |  Tomato Ichijou  |  Hitoshi Sugoroku |  Houzuki Sanzou  |  Daisen Rokuriki  |  Daisen Kokoriki  |  Daisen Youriki  |  Genrou Byakuya  |  Ahato  |  Sanohana Hiiragi  |  Inohana Tsubaki  |  Shinohana Sazanka  |  Ninohana Kikiyou  |  Rianni Ju-ichigo  |  Scara B Kepri  |  Taiga Nikaidou |  Tatsumi Jubaco |  Koisuke Kyuubi  |  Yamada Orochi  |  Tanaka Midzuchi  |  Haruin  |  Rorotto
Nanba Staff Momoko Hyakushiki  |  Shin Sauzando  |  Chikako Senryoubako  |  Mitsuru Hitokoe  |  Dread  | Shiro  |  Okina Otogi  |  Kazari Otogi  |  KAGU-8  |  Ringo Shirayuki  |  Komachi |  V | Hiiro Kisaragi
Zodiac Police Jemi Sandra  |  Jenny Sandra  |  Tauro Twisters  |  Taurus Twisters  |  Akua Jyuunoichi  |  Uoza Jyuunoji |  Leon Faiburg  |  Jimi Sandra  |  Jini Sandra
Shiki/Team Elf Man with the Scar  |  Elf  |  Fourth  |  Six  |  Mei Yomidou  |  Ido Yomidou  |  Isou  |  Manji Yorozu  |  Kojiro  |  Kujaku  |  Yakumo  |  Ikkaku  |  Tsu-in  |  Jin
Other Hanzou Hattori  |  Noriko Sanzou  |  Hihi Gokuu  |  Rokudo

 |  Nadeshiko Godai  |  Navarin Godai  |  Jun  |  Ban  |  Mikazuki  |  Natsumi |  Kakei  |  Chimney  |  Sophia Valentine  |  Ram  |  Touko  |  Camilla Valentine  |  Researcher 001  |  Researcher 002

Animals Kuu  |  Haku  |  Yamatomaru  |  Kuroko  |  Majiro  |  Chojiro  |  Sugar  |  Torashiro