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Shin Sauzando (シン サウザンド Sauzando Shin) is a supporting character exclusive to the Nanbaka Web Manga series. He is the Warden of Nanba Women's Prison who is notoriously known for being a womanizer.


Shin is a tall man of above-average height with fair skin, wearing two sets of light blue, tall prosthetic glass legs due to his knees being amputated. He has short platinum blonde hair worn as two short braids going along his forehead, with two long locks on both sides of the front of his head and pale blue eyes with notably long eyelashes. His teeth are sharp, and he has light fingernails. On each ear, he wears two silver clips on the top of his ear and a single circle attaching a long earring with a platinum gem on end.


Shin is a bold individual who goes as far as to grab Momoko Hyakushiki by the waist and flirt with her and even question Hajime Sugoroku when he comes in to hand her papers.

He highly takes pride in his appearance and believes to be "handsome", making others refer to him as "Prince" or "Shin-sama".

He's also rather jumpy, as seen when speaking with Kiji Mitsuba and abrasive when he blatantly interrupted a moment of rareness between Kenshirou Yozakura when he almost got his head patted.

Despite these antics, his mood can change from polite and silly to downright cunning; knowing the information of events going on in the male side of Nanba Prison even though he doesn't travel there often. He's also deceptive and can be cold when he feels necessary, making him a dangerous person.

He also doesn't mind giving out tips to becoming attractive. If someone's interested in being popular like him, he'll give them information, as long as they admit they aren't better than him. He also has the tendency to talk about someone's attractiveness, whether it be rudely, critically, or politely.


During his youth, his family was not particularly wealthy. Before his appearance in the Web Manga, Shin lost both his legs up to his thighs.


Shin and Dread01

Shin and Dread arrive at Nanba Prison.

Dread tells Shin that the helicopter will be arriving at Nanba Prison. He looks at the prison through the window and says that it is gaundy but aside, he won't be expecting much. He then asks Dread which pair of glass legs he should wear today that suit him best. Dread picks one pair and he comments that she is quite attached to the pair. As they arrive, he says to go and say hello.[1]

Shin enters Momoko's Warden office to her surprise. Shin says she should call him "Shin" and then remarks on her scary face. She tells him to stop making small talk, but Shin tells her that she should take it slow because he came halfway across the world to see her. He suggests starting with black tea or wine before his voice trails off as she stabs him painfully. She asks him to get to the point, and he agrees.

Shin and Momoko

Shin explains the first order is to take the two prisoners into custody, and that the second is to collect data on them.

Shin explains that he caught two new convicts the other day. Momoko asks him if there is a problem, and he says that his prison is a women's penitentiary and that he decided to go to her and transfer them because her prison is for men and that she is better at handling prisoners better than the other prisons. Momoko thinks it is inconceivable for a warden to personally see the transfer of two random inmates. Sin tells her that she has good judgement and that he is just the messenger and that they can't go against "Cause". Momoko understands this and Shin tells her that the first set of orders is to take them into custody, and the second is to collect data on them. Momoko tells him to say 'collect data' the way he really means, which is to let the monsters fight.[2]

He says that there isn't enough data on Building 13's prisoner No. 15 and Building 4's No. 634. Momoko questions if it is really a directive from Cause rather an experiment, but he says they can't disobey orders from their superiors. He explains that the high crime rates and too many incarcerated criminals make there be too little people managing them. Not much surveillance in prisons and juvenile detention centers means there are more problems and less trust in society. Due to this, The World Administration Authority was created to control the issue, and thus the organization created Nanba Prison. He says that it is a big mistake to think of it as irrational or illegal and that if they left the place, Cause would control everything they do. [3]

Then, he says that since all the serious talks have finished, that they could have a relaxing tea time, but is quickly interrupted by the sound of Dread and Kenshirou Yozakura fighting. After noticing Dread and Kenshirou's argument, he says he thinks that a dance after tea time would be a good way to continue, before she starts getting annoyed at him. He says she doesn't need to be so bashful, and thinks that she might have already fallen for someone. Hajime Sugoroku enters the room and Shin is annoyed by him, but Momoko uppercuts Shin as he lies down on the floor. Shin then thinks back to Hajime, on how he didn't give any greeting as a guard and thinks he is a gorilla. Shin says she should fire him, but Momoko begins awing Hajime, and then he realizes who Momoko has fallen in love with: Hajime. [4]

He decides to go home after all his business is gone, but says that since he came all the way he decides to look around, seeing that the area is different to his 'castle'. However, before he decides to, he stops Dread and Kenshirou's fight. Afterwards, he is back inside and says that it is boring with only men everywhere and thinks he should go to the reception area because of the women, but is frightened when he hears someone telling him that he should stop thinking about women and focus on work instead. Kiji Mitsubsa introduces himself and tells him that it has been a long time since he has seen him, much to Shin's surprise. Mitsuru Hitokoe stumbles upon Kiji and Shin, so Kiji explains to Mitsuru that he was in charge of Shin's education in the past. Shin explains to Mitsuru that Kiji has always been terrifying and that he heard he was here, but didn't think he'd come quickly, and then gets confused on who Mitsuru is. Mitsuru says that he can message Hajime on whatever he wanted to say, so he says that the next time he ignores him, he'll show him no mercy.[5]

Afterwards, Shin keeps on walking and wonders why Kiji keeps following him. Kiji says that he thought he would guide him around Nanba, thinking that he would cause trouble as Dread even got involved, and Shin replies that he's a perfect prince, so he wouldn't be the person to cause any trouble, and even if he did, Kiji and the others there would take care if anything happened. Kiji taunts Sin by asking if he should really be saying that, since the "impregnable castle" of a woman's penitentiary let some underwear thieves slip in. Shin says that he was away on a business trip while it happened, but Kiji reports that his prison has had mishaps even before that situation and that they shouldn't speak ill of Nanba, and that they were both in the blame. Shin tries to defend himself, but Kiji tells him to remember what to say, which Shin says is "Yes, sir." Sin then says that since he's in charge he should be rehabilitating them properly and Kiji says he should relax because he is keeping a close eye on them, adding that their faces are their only good points and makes sure they study everyday to polish their beauty, but Shin says he's asking to do something about their personalities instead. Afterwards, Shin interrupts a headpat between Kenshirou and Momoko to tell her that he is leaving because of a schedule, although it's because he thought Kiji was being annoying, and finally tells her that he'll be coming over again someday to have dinner.[6]

Later, he asks Momoko if she likes the "present" he has brought to her, making her yell at what he is doing. Shin answers that if she had decided to not let the proceedings go through, he would be blamed for it as well, declaring that he has made the transfer date of the two inmates sooner than expected.[7]


  • The name Sin might of come from "Cin" as in Cinderella with the glass legs referencing the glass slippers.
  • Shin's surname Sauzando is the Japanese pronunciation of the English word "Thousand".
  • His favorite things are dancing, spending time with women and his own feet.
  • His dislikes are Hajime Sugoroku and guys who are more beautiful than himself.
  • His hobbies include watching sports and choosing a gift for women.
  • Shin is an allusion of Cinderella with the glass legs reference the glass slippers in the tale.
  • Shin is weak with machines.


  1. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 170
  2. Nanbaka Web Manga: Chapter 171
  3. Nanbaka Web Manga: Chapter 172
  4. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 172
  5. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 173
  6. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 173
  7. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 195


Main Jyugo  |  Uno  |  Rock  |  Nico  |  Hajime Sugoroku
Inmates Tsukumo  |  Honey  |  Trois  |  Musashi  |  Liang  |  Upa  |  Qi  |  Fuji-san  |  Kusatsu  |  Enki Gokuu  |  Ruka Gojou  |  Hachiman  |  Ikkaku  |  Zakuro  |  Baio  |  Hakushaku  |  Tsumuji  |  Torooru  |  Aki  |  Haru  |  Hina  |  Murakami  |  Yupiter  |  Sith  |  Tora  |  Hachi  |  Mike  |  Nina  |  Mina  |  Shina  |  D  |  Nile  |  Mummy  |  Ishal  |  Rage  |  Shijima  |  Burogu
Guards Seitarou Tanabata  |  Yamato Godai  |  Samon Gokuu  |  Kenshirou Yozakura  |  Kiji Mitsuba  |  Inori Hakkai  |  Damian  |  Mao Nimaijita  |  Nijimasu Nanairo  |  Tomato Ichijou  |  Hitoshi Sugoroku |  Houzuki Sanzou  |  Daisen Rokuriki  |  Daisen Kokoriki  |  Daisen Youriki  |  Genrou Byakuya  |  Ahato  |  Sanohana Hiiragi  |  Inohana Tsubaki  |  Shinohana Sazanka  |  Ninohana Kikiyou  |  Rianni Ju-ichigo  |  Scara B Kepri  |  Taiga Nikaidou |  Tatsumi Jubaco |  Koisuke Kyuubi  |  Yamada Orochi  |  Tanaka Midzuchi  |  Haruin  |  Rorotto
Nanba Staff Momoko Hyakushiki  |  Shin Sauzando  |  Chikako Senryoubako  |  Mitsuru Hitokoe  |  Dread  | Shiro  |  Okina Otogi  |  Kazari Otogi  |  KAGU-8  |  Ringo Shirayuki  |  Komachi |  V | Hiiro Kisaragi
Zodiac Police Jemi Sandra  |  Jenny Sandra  |  Tauro Twisters  |  Taurus Twisters  |  Akua Jyuunoichi  |  Uoza Jyuunoji |  Leon Faiburg  |  Jimi Sandra  |  Jini Sandra
Shiki/Team Elf Man with the Scar  |  Elf  |  Fourth  |  Six  |  Mei Yomidou  |  Ido Yomidou  |  Isou  |  Manji Yorozu  |  Kojiro  |  Kujaku  |  Yakumo  |  Ikkaku  |  Tsu-in  |  Jin
Other Hanzou Hattori  |  Noriko Sanzou  |  Hihi Gokuu  |  Rokudo

 |  Nadeshiko Godai  |  Navarin Godai  |  Jun  |  Ban  |  Mikazuki  |  Natsumi |  Kakei  |  Chimney  |  Sophia Valentine  |  Ram  |  Touko  |  Camilla Valentine  |  Researcher 001  |  Researcher 002

Animals Kuu  |  Haku  |  Yamatomaru  |  Kuroko  |  Majiro  |  Chojiro  |  Sugar  |  Torashiro