Nanbaka Wiki

Skills & Abilities[]


Ruka is noted to be an exceptionally good swimmer and seems to have a fondness for water[1]. He is capable of swimming at immense speeds and can hold his breath for considerably longer than an average person[2]. He regularly takes advantage of his swimming abilities during battle, hiding below the water to avoid detection and emerging from it to take his opponents by surprise[3].

Bashousen's Wind[]


The effects of Ruka's bashosen

Ruka is under the possession of Bashosen's Wind, a weapon that takes the form of a pair of large, turquoise fans with purple hexagonal trimming and a fur border[3]. Using these fans, he is able to create strong, artificial wind through flowing Ki[4]. These winds are capable of being highly powerful, able to break through stone[3], cause immense damage to his surroundings and, presumably, kill humans given that he has attempted to do so on a number of occasions [5][6]. It is indicated that his possession of the weapon makes him highly powerful and dangerous[7].


  1. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 76
  2. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 103
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 98
  4. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 113.5
  5. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 99
  6. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 100
  7. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 106