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Nina (ニナ, Nina) is a supporting character of the Nanbaka Web Manga series. He is an inmate of building 7, and the cellmate of Mina and Shina.


Nina has bright red hair, seperated into twin-tails by sharp, pastel-rainbow, horn-like accessories. He has sharp, bright red eyes.

He is seen wearing a red idol outfit with short round sleeves, matching that of Hina, Mina and Shina with a pale yellow bow adorning the chest with a pink heart brooch with his inmate number in the centre, and two pockets on either side of the chest. The dress then parts, revealing a white to pastel pink underskirt. On the back of the dress is a light red building 7 symbol.

Nina wears knee-high boots with pastel-rainbow soles and white elbow-length gloves. He also wears small, red heart stud earrings.


Nina has a strong personality, disliking being called an idol and fond of making threats. He has an exceptionally violent side that is unknown to the public, but is hard to ignore upon meeting him.

He is also exceptionally petty, holding a grudge over Hina that carried over to Zakuro by association.


Nina is apart of the building 7 idol group together with Mina and Shina.

Before their appearance in the Web manga, Nina was in an idol group alongside Hina, Shina, and Mina called Magical Druv Rainbow Rangers (often shortened to Magidru). They were all imprisoned in Nanba Prison's Building 7, a fact which was not known to the wider public. Reasoning behind the incarceration is unknown but likely has to do with the entire group's violent tendencies and inhuman strength, which had Nina targeted by Kaazu as a togabito.

While in Building 7, a conflict occured between Nina and Hina as they had eaten each others desserts (Hina eating Nina's Salt Daifuku and Nina eating Hina's Strawberry Daifuku) without permission, this led to Hina leaving building 7 to go to building 1, with both still having grudges against eachother for eating their dessert.


New Year's East Vs West Botoukai[]

Nina, alongside Mina and Shina, were chosen to represent Building 7 in the Botoukai. For a large portion of the first event, they remained hidden under large color-coded cloaks, but once the Building 2 representatives targeted another inmate, they became emboldened to attack Zakuro, who they had been tailing for a long time.[1]

Zakuro, having noticed their stalking beforehand, asked why the three were targeting him specifically, as he did not know any of them. Nina confessed that it was mostly to get his hands on Zakuro's shackles, to harass Hina.


  • Is the leader of building 7's idol group (Other members being Mina and Shina).
  • His favourite dessert is salt daifuku.
  • He (and the other three members of Magidru) sang the theme song to an anime Nico likes.
  • He, Mina, and Shina all sometimes sprinkle in made-up verbiage into their speech, calling it Magidru Language.
    • Magidru Language is said to have been very popular amongst kids.
  • Nina's preferred weapon is a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it.


  1. Nanbaka Web Manga Chapter 359


Main Jyugo  |  Uno  |  Rock  |  Nico  |  Hajime Sugoroku
Inmates Tsukumo  |  Honey  |  Trois  |  Musashi  |  Liang  |  Upa  |  Qi  |  Fuji-san  |  Kusatsu  |  Enki Gokuu  |  Ruka Gojou  |  Hachiman  |  Ikkaku  |  Zakuro  |  Baio  |  Hakushaku  |  Tsumuji  |  Torooru  |  Aki  |  Haru  |  Hina  |  Murakami  |  Yupiter  |  Sith  |  Tora  |  Hachi  |  Mike  |  Nina  |  Mina  |  Shina  |  D  |  Nile  |  Mummy  |  Ishal  |  Rage  |  Shijima  |  Burogu
Guards Seitarou Tanabata  |  Yamato Godai  |  Samon Gokuu  |  Kenshirou Yozakura  |  Kiji Mitsuba  |  Inori Hakkai  |  Damian  |  Mao Nimaijita  |  Nijimasu Nanairo  |  Tomato Ichijou  |  Hitoshi Sugoroku |  Houzuki Sanzou  |  Daisen Rokuriki  |  Daisen Kokoriki  |  Daisen Youriki  |  Genrou Byakuya  |  Ahato  |  Sanohana Hiiragi  |  Inohana Tsubaki  |  Shinohana Sazanka  |  Ninohana Kikiyou  |  Rianni Ju-ichigo  |  Scara B Kepri  |  Taiga Nikaidou |  Tatsumi Jubaco |  Koisuke Kyuubi  |  Yamada Orochi  |  Tanaka Midzuchi  |  Haruin  |  Rorotto
Nanba Staff Momoko Hyakushiki  |  Shin Sauzando  |  Chikako Senryoubako  |  Mitsuru Hitokoe  |  Dread  | Shiro  |  Okina Otogi  |  Kazari Otogi  |  KAGU-8  |  Ringo Shirayuki  |  Komachi |  V | Hiiro Kisaragi
Zodiac Police Jemi Sandra  |  Jenny Sandra  |  Tauro Twisters  |  Taurus Twisters  |  Akua Jyuunoichi  |  Uoza Jyuunoji |  Leon Faiburg  |  Jimi Sandra  |  Jini Sandra
Shiki/Team Elf Man with the Scar  |  Elf  |  Fourth  |  Six  |  Mei Yomidou  |  Ido Yomidou  |  Isou  |  Manji Yorozu  |  Kojiro  |  Kujaku  |  Yakumo  |  Ikkaku  |  Tsu-in  |  Jin
Other Hanzou Hattori  |  Noriko Sanzou  |  Hihi Gokuu  |  Rokudo

 |  Nadeshiko Godai  |  Navarin Godai  |  Jun  |  Ban  |  Mikazuki  |  Natsumi |  Kakei  |  Chimney  |  Sophia Valentine  |  Ram  |  Touko  |  Camilla Valentine  |  Researcher 001  |  Researcher 002

Animals Kuu  |  Haku  |  Yamatomaru  |  Kuroko  |  Majiro  |  Chojiro  |  Sugar  |  Torashiro