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Mikadzuki (三日月 Mikazuki) is a supporting antagonist exclusive to the Nanbaka Web Manga. He is the person who responsible for the death of Natsumi[1], Tauro Twisters[2], and Jemi Sandra[3].


Mikadzuki is a fairly pale skinned guy. His suit is a shade of indigo, with the top ending with two swoops on each side respectively, going down to his ankles. He has a low collared dress shirt underneath as well. He has what appears to be a black bodysuit underneath his suit which goes down from his neck to his lower body. He has at least five stars on his person (one earing on his right ear, two buttons on his suit, one on his tie, and one on his hairband). His suit is tied with two maroon belts with a tassle shaped like a bow on the left side, tied to the belt on top. His tie is of a royal purple color with a pale yellow elongated star printed on it. His hair is blond and exceptionally long, which has been tied into a thin ponytail with a band the same indigo shade as his suit with a ninja star seemingly tied on to it. His bangs are slightly messy, with a strand(?) coming across his face from the middle and swoop to the left with two other strands swooping to their respective sides away from his face, which curl inward at the ends. He has blond eyelashes and crimson eyes. He is mostly seen with either a blank stare or a cynical gaze. His nails are painted deep pink and he is right-handed.


Mikadzuki is a enigmatic man demonstrated to be expressionless and cold. He is also ruthless.


Mikadzuki tells Ban that his world is "different" from his.

It seems that his perspective on the world is rather cynical, as he describes it as "different" to Ban repeatedly[4] and Tauro Twisters.


Mikadzuki is renowned as a legendary "ninja" or "killer" by the general public. He seems to have been working as an assassin for a long time.

At some point in time, he killed Natsumi, a subordinate of the Man with the Scar, for an unknown reason.


Mikadzuki tells Rokudo that Enki Gokuu is dead. Rokudo doesn't remember who he is, so he explains that he was the man who tried to prevent his prison break in the past. Rokudo then asks why he mentions his name, and Mikadzuki says it is because he died at Nanba Prison.[5]


  • The name Mikadzuki means "three" (三) (mi), "sun, day" (日) (ka) and "moon" (月) (zuki).
    • It can also mean "Crescent".


  1. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 229
  2. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 235
  3. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 235
  4. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 235
  5. Nanbaka Web Manga, Chapter 146
Main Jyugo  |  Uno  |  Rock  |  Nico  |  Hajime Sugoroku
Inmates Tsukumo  |  Honey  |  Trois  |  Musashi  |  Liang  |  Upa  |  Qi  |  Fuji-san  |  Kusatsu  |  Enki Gokuu  |  Ruka Gojou  |  Hachiman  |  Ikkaku  |  Zakuro  |  Baio  |  Hakushaku  |  Tsumuji  |  Torooru  |  Aki  |  Haru  |  Hina  |  Murakami  |  Yupiter  |  Sith  |  Tora  |  Hachi  |  Mike  |  Nina  |  Mina  |  Shina  |  D  |  Nile  |  Mummy  |  Ishal  |  Rage  |  Shijima  |  Burogu
Guards Seitarou Tanabata  |  Yamato Godai  |  Samon Gokuu  |  Kenshirou Yozakura  |  Kiji Mitsuba  |  Inori Hakkai  |  Damian  |  Mao Nimaijita  |  Nijimasu Nanairo  |  Tomato Ichijou  |  Hitoshi Sugoroku |  Houzuki Sanzou  |  Daisen Rokuriki  |  Daisen Kokoriki  |  Daisen Youriki  |  Genrou Byakuya  |  Ahato  |  Sanohana Hiiragi  |  Inohana Tsubaki  |  Shinohana Sazanka  |  Ninohana Kikiyou  |  Rianni Ju-ichigo  |  Scara B Kepri  |  Taiga Nikaidou |  Tatsumi Jubaco |  Koisuke Kyuubi  |  Yamada Orochi  |  Tanaka Midzuchi  |  Haruin  |  Rorotto
Nanba Staff Momoko Hyakushiki  |  Shin Sauzando  |  Chikako Senryoubako  |  Mitsuru Hitokoe  |  Dread  | Shiro  |  Okina Otogi  |  Kazari Otogi  |  KAGU-8  |  Ringo Shirayuki  |  Komachi |  V | Hiiro Kisaragi
Zodiac Police Jemi Sandra  |  Jenny Sandra  |  Tauro Twisters  |  Taurus Twisters  |  Akua Jyuunoichi  |  Uoza Jyuunoji |  Leon Faiburg  |  Jimi Sandra  |  Jini Sandra
Shiki/Team Elf Man with the Scar  |  Elf  |  Fourth  |  Six  |  Mei Yomidou  |  Ido Yomidou  |  Isou  |  Manji Yorozu  |  Kojiro  |  Kujaku  |  Yakumo  |  Ikkaku  |  Tsu-in  |  Jin
Other Hanzou Hattori  |  Noriko Sanzou  |  Hihi Gokuu  |  Rokudo

 |  Nadeshiko Godai  |  Navarin Godai  |  Jun  |  Ban  |  Mikazuki  |  Natsumi |  Kakei  |  Chimney  |  Sophia Valentine  |  Ram  |  Touko  |  Camilla Valentine  |  Researcher 001  |  Researcher 002

Animals Kuu  |  Haku  |  Yamatomaru  |  Kuroko  |  Majiro  |  Chojiro  |  Sugar  |  Torashiro