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Dread (ドレッド Doredo) is a supporting character in the Nanbaka Web Manga. She is a member of Nanba's Staff and is Shin Sauzando's subordinate.


Dread is a young woman of below-average height, with rather curly, short blonde hair. She seems to be cat-like, with her cape ripped to resemble cat ears and tail. She appears wearing a torn dark red cape covering most of her body, black gloves, black shoes, a black mask covering her mouth, grey-framed goggles with red lenses, and a black belt and collar over her cape.

Dreads true face

Dread beneath her mask.

Under her cape, her entire body is an intimidating black mechanical structure. Her true face appears extremely fractured and horrifyingly disfigured. She also has multiple rows of sharp teeth.


Dread is a serious and generally calm person who willingly follows Shin Sauzando's orders and is very loyal to him. She is rather aggressive at times and protective of Shin but is otherwise not very talkative.


Dread was made into a dangerous weapon which greatly modified her body for an unknown reason, perhaps for a search for more power or she was experimented on by an unknown person.[1]


Shin and Dread01

Dread and Shin arrive at Nanba Prison.

Dread tells Shin Sauzando that the helicopter is soon to arrive at Nanba Prison. Shin then asks her which pair of legs he should wear today that suit him best, and chooses a pair, while Shin comments on how attached she is to the pair. As they arrive, he says to go and say hello.[2]

Kenshirou and Dread talking

Dread talks to Kenshirou Yozakura.

Outside the Warden's office, Dread talks with Kenshirou Yozakura. Kenshirou asks her why she came to Nanba Prison, while she responds that it has nothing to do with her and that she is just following Shin's orders so she has no interest in Nanba or obligation to explain herself to him. Dread suggests for him to try follow his master's orders. Kenshirou responds that he isn't being ordered around because he made the decision to protect her, but Dread says that he doesn't think that Momoko Hyakushiki is worth going that far for, much to Kenshirou's anger.

Dread explains that in the past, Momoko allowed No. 610 to escape on her watch, and that in the present, she didn't only allow a prison break, but also caused casualties. She feels that she does not deserve to hold her position of Warden, even though that she had committed these incidents by being unaware, and even letting her former subordinate get killed, and believes that it isn't a job a woman can handle. An angered Kenshirou threatens that if she said those words about Momoko ever again, she would die, but Dread, annoyed, responds saying that he is a hot-blooded watchdog and the type of person to rush headlong into an early grave.[3]


Dread fighting with Kenshirou.

By the time Shin has finished discussing with Momoko, Dread has gotten into a fight against Kenshirou. Dread shoots her gun, causing an explosion, which Kenshirou avoids. Kenshirou then uses his whip to try and attack Dread, but Dread dodges his attempts. She then throws a lighted bottle, causing another explosion that Kenshirou avoids.[4] Before the fight goes any longer, Shin calls Dread to stop fighting and that it is enough, which prompts Dread to stop fighting and come over to him. Once the fight is concluded, Shin goes inside the prison while Dread follows him. Dread notices Kiji Mitsuba criticizing Shin, while Shin is surprised and hides behind her, and also notices Mitsuru Hitokoe introducing himself to Shin.

Dread and Chikako01

Dread readies her gun, but Shin stops her.

Afterwards, Shin leaves and thinks about his experience visiting Nanba, with Dread sitting on his lap being petted. Shin notices that Dread has been in a bad mood for a while, thinking she is jealous. He comments that a woman's jealousy is unsightly and reassures her that she will always be No. 1 in his heart and that he isn't going anywhere.[5] Back at the women's penitentiary, Dread watches as Shin is being talked to by someone through a shared communication space. Chikako Senryoubako criticizes Shin for treating Dread excessively nicer than her, and tells Dread to hand Shin over to her for a bit, but Dread prepares her gun, but Shin stops her.[6]


  • "Dread" means "anticipate with great apprehension or fear" in modern English; "regard with great awe or reverence" in archaic English.
  • She uses the masculine pronoun, "boku" (俺), despite being female.
  • Dread can be an allusion to little red riding hood with the red cloak she wears and the ears on top resembling the wolfs.


  1. Nanbaka Web Manga: Chapter 237
  2. Nanbaka Web Manga: Chapter 170
  3. Nanbaka Web Manga: Chapter 171
  4. Nanbaka Web Manga: Chapter 172
  5. Nanbaka Web Manga: Chapter 173
  6. Nanbaka Web Manga: Chapter 174


Main Jyugo  |  Uno  |  Rock  |  Nico  |  Hajime Sugoroku
Inmates Tsukumo  |  Honey  |  Trois  |  Musashi  |  Liang  |  Upa  |  Qi  |  Fuji-san  |  Kusatsu  |  Enki Gokuu  |  Ruka Gojou  |  Hachiman  |  Ikkaku  |  Zakuro  |  Baio  |  Hakushaku  |  Tsumuji  |  Torooru  |  Aki  |  Haru  |  Hina  |  Murakami  |  Yupiter  |  Sith  |  Tora  |  Hachi  |  Mike  |  Nina  |  Mina  |  Shina  |  D  |  Nile  |  Mummy  |  Ishal  |  Rage  |  Shijima  |  Burogu
Guards Seitarou Tanabata  |  Yamato Godai  |  Samon Gokuu  |  Kenshirou Yozakura  |  Kiji Mitsuba  |  Inori Hakkai  |  Damian  |  Mao Nimaijita  |  Nijimasu Nanairo  |  Tomato Ichijou  |  Hitoshi Sugoroku |  Houzuki Sanzou  |  Daisen Rokuriki  |  Daisen Kokoriki  |  Daisen Youriki  |  Genrou Byakuya  |  Ahato  |  Sanohana Hiiragi  |  Inohana Tsubaki  |  Shinohana Sazanka  |  Ninohana Kikiyou  |  Rianni Ju-ichigo  |  Scara B Kepri  |  Taiga Nikaidou |  Tatsumi Jubaco |  Koisuke Kyuubi  |  Yamada Orochi  |  Tanaka Midzuchi  |  Haruin  |  Rorotto
Nanba Staff Momoko Hyakushiki  |  Shin Sauzando  |  Chikako Senryoubako  |  Mitsuru Hitokoe  |  Dread  | Shiro  |  Okina Otogi  |  Kazari Otogi  |  KAGU-8  |  Ringo Shirayuki  |  Komachi |  V | Hiiro Kisaragi
Zodiac Police Jemi Sandra  |  Jenny Sandra  |  Tauro Twisters  |  Taurus Twisters  |  Akua Jyuunoichi  |  Uoza Jyuunoji |  Leon Faiburg  |  Jimi Sandra  |  Jini Sandra
Shiki/Team Elf Man with the Scar  |  Elf  |  Fourth  |  Six  |  Mei Yomidou  |  Ido Yomidou  |  Isou  |  Manji Yorozu  |  Kojiro  |  Kujaku  |  Yakumo  |  Ikkaku  |  Tsu-in  |  Jin
Other Hanzou Hattori  |  Noriko Sanzou  |  Hihi Gokuu  |  Rokudo

 |  Nadeshiko Godai  |  Navarin Godai  |  Jun  |  Ban  |  Mikazuki  |  Natsumi |  Kakei  |  Chimney  |  Sophia Valentine  |  Ram  |  Touko  |  Camilla Valentine  |  Researcher 001  |  Researcher 002

Animals Kuu  |  Haku  |  Yamatomaru  |  Kuroko  |  Majiro  |  Chojiro  |  Sugar  |  Torashiro